2022-24 MPHA/KY Breeders Fund Incentive Program
Note: All MPHA locally approved AOC events will be listed on the current schedule of events. However, All events provided by Equine Trail Sports (www.equinetrailsports.com) ARE pre-approved** by the MPHA as well, and a full list of their events are published on their website. If you wish to have an additional arena obstacle challenge pre-approved by the MPHA board, please submit all information at least 30 days in advance! YOU will be responsible for getting the MPHA your placings at any event you attend on the attached forms by 11/15/22!** note: All forms and plans are exactly the same as 2019, just fill out and submit, we will change date for you!
**If riding in ETS for points, must be consistent in same level. Ex. If novice, 100% novice, if open, 100% intermediate. No alternating/mixing of divisions will be accepted.