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Mountain Pleasure Horse
Mountain Pleasure Horse

The Gait...

The Mountain Pleasure Horses’s distinctive, easy riding gait, allows the sure-footed horse to cover a lot of ground with minimum effort for both the horse and rider. The gait is an evenly spaced, four beat lateral gait with moderate forward speed and extension without exaggerated knee and hock action. The horse moves out with a gait in which one can count four distinct hoof-beats that produce a cadence of near equal rhythm. The gait is natural. It is bred into these horses through generations of proper breeding. No action devices, aids or harsh training methods are necessary or allowed by the Mountain Pleasure Horse Association. The unique thing about the Mountain Pleasure Horse is its’ ability to travel long distances at this gait with a variance of speed. Fast or slow, the beat remains the same. The Mountain Pleasure Horse is also unique in its ability to adapt and learn. You will find these horses in many competitions from drill team, competitive obstacle,  barrel racing and extreme cowboy races to the gracefulness of the show ring. However, their forte’ is their sure footed ride on the trails. Combined with their easy, no bounce gait, the Mountain Pleasure horse is the perfect horse for the young and the young at heart rider.


MPH article from "The Gaited Horse" Winter 2005. Interviews/pics.

Best Kept Secret

MPH article from "The Gaited Horse" Spring 2001. Interviews/pics.

The Boy Scout Breed

Article from "Gait Way" magazine April 1992. Margaret Layton Interview.

Narragansett Pacer

Photo and description

Equine Info Exchange Article

2018 - The Mountain Pleasure Horse

Horse Clicks Article

The foundation of all American gaited breeds article - January 2012

A Living History

K.H. Risner interview

Salute to Sires - Moon

The Gaited Horse - Fall 2005

The Mountain Saddle Horses of Eastern Ky

David May newspaper article - November 2013

A Living History

Ronnie Little article - Heritage Magazine

A Living History

  Charlie Short article -       Heritage Magazine

Origin Narragansett Pacer

Gait Way magazine - Winter 1992

Mountain Pleasure Genetic Diversity Study - Dr. Gus Cotheran

Dr. Cotheran genetic diversity study

MPHA on Livestock Breed Conservancy Watch List

MPHA breed description


MPHA Heritage Magazine Misc Pics

Magazine pics from old Heritage magazine articles and ads

MPHA Heritage Magazine 2001-2008

Pictures, articles and ads from MPHA magazines 2001-2008

MPHA Heritage Magazine 1997-1998

Pics and articles from Heritage magazines

MPHA Heritage Magazine 2003-2004

Pics and articles from Heritage magazines

MPHA Heritage Magazine 1997-1998

Magazine pics from old Heritage magazine articles and ads continued


The Mountain Pleasure Horse

The Mountain Horse Dialogue

Article by Elizabeth Charmaine

Dr. E. Gus Cothran

Phylogenetic Tree 

MPH position in phylogenetic tree

What is the Difference between MPH - RMH - KMSH  horses

Article by Robin Little-Basil

President - MPHA (2020)

© 2024 Moutain Pleasure Horse Association

P.O. Box 5, Jeffersonville, KY 40337

(606) 359-3000

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